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To reflect more our vision, we first changed our name then, we plan some projects focus on the youth and some community services to touch a lot of them. Because Guadeloupe is an Champions land, as athlete we have to get prepared for the 2024 Olympic Games! We want to gather the youth around this event.

Why all these changes? Simply because to put on the same level the vision and our the Lord desire for us here. This will coincide also with this time we are living. The pandemic crise had highlighted an amount of obvious things that deserved to be “fixed”. We were to focus onto “the nations and the mobilisation of God’s people” not enough toward the unreached peopole of  the island.  To reach them for Christ.

We are starting again with coming projects! We’ll tell more next.

15 years already !

Seriously ! It must be celebrate ! We are challenging you ! On the occasion of this birthday, we would like you to send us a short (30 sec max.) whatsapp video at the following number (+590 690 96 73 08). On this video we would like you, to tell how you appreciate your time amoung us !If making a video it’s not enough personal or cool, a word from you would be great too.

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We needed a more meaningfull name for people here in Guadeloupe. A meaning name to God’s heart for mission, for Youth. A name wich really and simply tell about us!


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